This weekend marks my first time attending a SQL Saturday outside of my home state of California. It also marks my second presentation opportunity at a SQL Saturday. Come see “SQL Server encryption 3 ways – in transit, at rest and in the database” in Denver, CO at SQL Saturday #190.
I’ve given this talk a few times already but am going to put a new spin on this one: buzzword bingo.
You may remember the IBM commercial where the office crew is lamenting their forced attendance at a company wide vendor presentation…the meeting becomes slightly more appealing when “bingo” cards are passed out. You earn “spots” when the presenter throws out a marketing IT buzzword (“value adding”,” synergistic”, “organic growth”). The commercial ends with one of the crew shouting “bingo” in the middle of the sales pitch. During my presentation, I’ll be spitting out phrases, T-SQL commands and buzzwords to explain the topic. Each attendee (if they so choose) can grab a bingo card and play along. The first to line up (or maybe “black out”) a card will win a prize…A NEW CAR! (just kidding, sorry Bob Barker). My hope is that the bingo will help reinforce a potentially very complicated topic.
You can register for the event here: SQL Saturday #190
There will also be some movie trivia, so make sure to come learn some new things and have fun doing it.